
Routing and URLs


All URLs should be created via helper yii\helpers\Url it helps you to much if you decide to change url rules in urlManager.

Creating URLs

Helper yii\helpers\Url provides a set of static methods for managing URLs. This helper may used in views/controllers code.

URL to a route:

echo Url::to(['post/index']);

URL to a route with parameters:

echo Url::to(['post/view', 'id' => 100]);

anchored URL:

echo Url::to(['post/view', 'id' => 100, '#' => 'content']);

absolute URL:

echo Url::to(['post/index'], true);

absolute URL using the https scheme:

echo Url::to(['post/index'], 'https');

Note: The route passed to the Url::to() method is context sensitive. It may use current module and current controller. For example, assume the current module is admin and the current controller is post:

relative route with action ID only (contains no slashes at all):

echo Url::to(['index']);    // -->> '/index.php?r=admin%2Fpost%2Findex'

relative route (has no leading slash):

echo Url::to(['post/index']);    // -->> '/index.php?r=admin%2Fpost%2Findex'

absolute route (starts with slash):

echo Url::to(['/post/index']);    // -->> '/index.php?r=post%2Findex'

current requested URL:

echo Url::to();
echo Url::to(['']);

To create URL based on the current route and the GET parameters use Url::current().

Assume $_GET = ['id' => 10, 'page' => 7], current route is post/view.

current URL:

echo Url::current();    // -->> '/index.php?r=post%2Fview&id=10&page=7'

current URL without page parameter:

echo Url::current(['page' => null]);  // -->> '/index.php?r=post%2Fview&id=10'

current URL with changed page parameter:

echo Url::current(['page' => 12]);    // -->> '/index.php?r=post%2Fview&id=10&page=12'

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