
Hotkey Scripts


  • keybindings::
  • ::abbreviation::
  • Return


Keybindings Details
^ Ctrl key
! Alt key
+ Shift key
# Windows key
{enter} send enter key
{tab} send tab key
* wildcard, any key can be pressed down
~ key’s native function will not be blocked
<symbol specifies left key (<+ is left shift)
>symbol specifies right key
## Hotkey
To make a hotkey that sends the key sequence ‘Hello World’ from pressing Ctrl + J onto the active window (can be demonstrated in notepad, e.g.)
    Send, Hello World


To make a script to replace a phrase use the ::abbreviation:: hotstring syntax. It will replace btw with by the way whenever you enter btw and then the space key.

::btw::by the way

If you wanted to make a login script to make logging in faster you could make a script like this (the file is not encrypted so any information in your script will be visible to anyone with access to the file).


Multiple keypress

To run a script when multiple keys are pressed use the & between the keys.

Numpad0 & Numpad1::
    MsgBox You pressed 0 and 1

Context-sensitive Hotkeys and Hotstrings

In order to create a hotkey or hotstring that only triggers when certain windows are active or exist, you can put one or several of the following directives before the hotkey definition:

#IfWinActive [, WinTitle, WinText]
#IfWinExist [, WinTitle, WinText]
#IfWinNotActive [, WinTitle, WinText]
#IfWinNotExist [, WinTitle, WinText]

Example: You want to be sent whenever you type so (and a whitespace after that) in Google Chrome, but ignore the hotstring in any other window.

#IfWinActive, ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1

By using #If [, Expression ], you can make a hotkey trigger only when an arbitrary expression is true, for example:

#If A_Hour < 9
    MsgBox, It is too early to ask for help!

Remap keys

The following example remaps the key Z to Y and vice versa, e.g. if you want to work with the QWERTY layout on a QWERTZ keyboard.


Toggleable hotkeys

Following script enters predefined strings on hotkey presses if the scroll lock is active. This can be useful if you often paste a number of repeating strings. Included hotkey for script refresh (for example if you need to edit paste-able strings).

; refresh script hotkey
    GetKeyState, state, ScrollLock, T
    if ( state = "D" )

    GetKeyState, state, ScrollLock, T
    if ( state = "D" )
        Send,         Hello 

    GetKeyState, state, ScrollLock, T
    if ( state = "D" )
        Send,         World

This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow