
Input Field


To get a user’s input and store it in a variable, you can use the InputBox command. The script will not continue executing commands until the user either presses ‘OK’ or ‘Cancel’.

‘OK’ will close the window and save the user’s input ‘Cancel’ will close the window, discarding the user’s input


InputBox, OutputVar [, Title, Prompt, HIDE, Width, Height, X, Y, Timeout, Default] What each Option Means
OutputVar The variable the user’s input will be saved to
Title The name of the input box
Prompt Text inside of the input box
HIDE Displays the user’s input as asterisks to hide the input - type HIDE to enable
Width The width of the input box
Height The height of the input box
X The amount of pixels from the left edge of the screen that the top-left corner of the input box will be
Y The amount of pixels from the top edge of the screen that the top-left corner of the input box will be
Timeout Automatically closes the input box and saves the user’s input after this time in miliseconds
Default The text that will appear in the input box’s editable field when it is opened
## Remarks#
An input box is a GUI item, so it will be treated as a GUI item.

A list of errorlevels for this command:

Errorlevel What it Means
0 The user pressed the ‘OK’ button
1 The user pressed the ‘Cancel’ button
2 The input box timed out

You can find the page for this command on the AutoHotkey documentation here:

Basic Usage Example

InputBox, userinput

This will store what the user types into the input box in the variable named userinput


InputBox, password, Enter your Password,, HIDE,, 100

Loop, {
  if (errorlevel = 1)

  if (password = "password") {
MsgBox, The password is correct.
  } else if (password != "password") {
MsgBox, The password is incorrect.
InputBox, password, Enter your Password,, HIDE,, 100

This will check if the user has typed “password” in the input box. If the user types the correct value, it will say “The password is correct.” and close the input box. If the user types the incorrect value, it will say “The password is incorrect.” and reopen the input box. If the errorlevel is 1 (the user pressed cancel), it will terminate the script.

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