Input and output redirection
- [command] [[> | >> | < | 2> | 2>>] file]
- [[> | >> | < | 2> | 2>>] file] [command]
Parameter | Details |
command | Any valid command. |
> |
Write STDOUT to file. |
>> |
Append STDOUT to file. |
< |
Read file to STDIN . |
2> |
Write STDERR to file. |
2>> |
Append STDERR to file. |
file | The path to a file. |
## Remarks# |
- You can add as many different redirections as you want, so long as the redirection symbol and file remain together and in the correct order.
An Example…
@echo off
set /p "_myvar=what is your name?"
echo HELLO!>file.txt
echo %_myvar%!>>file.txt
echo done!
type file.txt
Now file.txt looks like:
John Smith!
(assuming you typed John Smith
as your name.)
Now your batch file’s console looks like:
what is your name?John Smith
Press any key to continue...
John Smith!
( and it should exit so quickly that you may not be able to see anything after the prompt Press any key to coninue...
Redirect special character with delayed expansion enabled
This example echoes the special character !
into a file. This would only work when DelayedExpansion is disabled. When delayed expansion in enabled, you will need to use three carets and an exclamation mark like this:
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
echo ^^^!>file
echo ^>>>file
goto :eof
^> is the text
>> is the redirect operator
exit /b
This code will echo the following text into the file
^^^ escapes the ! and echos it into the file
^> escapes the > and echos it into the file
Write to a file
@echo off
echo Please input the file path, surrounded by "double quotation marks" if necessary.
REM If you don't want to redirect, escape the > by preceding it with ^
set /p filepath=^>
echo Writing a random number
echo %RANDOM% > %filepath%
echo Reading the random number
type %filepath%
REM Successive file writes will overwrite the previous file contents
echo Writing the current directory tree:
> %filepath% tree /A
echo Reading the file
type %filepath%
REM nul is a special file. It is always empty, no matter what you write to it.
echo Writing to nul
type %windir%\win.ini > nul
echo Reading from nul
type nul
echo Writing nul's contents to the file
type nul > %filepath%
echo Reading the file
type %filepath%