
Differences between Batch (Windows) and Terminal (Linux)


Batch and bash are quite different. Batch flags are indicated with a /, while bash flags use a -. Capitalization matters in bash, but (almost) not at all in batch. Batch variable names can contain spaces, bash variable names can not.

Ultimately, both are ways of manipulating and interacting with the command line. Not surprisingly, there is a reasonably-sized amount of overlap between the capabilities of the two systems.


  • bitsadmin is deprecated in favor of the PowerShell cmdlet BITS but still works as of Windows 10 version 1607
  • certutil separates pairs of hexadecimal digits with a space, so md5sum will return an example value of d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e, while certutil displays the same value as d4 1d 8c d9 8f 00 b2 04 e9 80 09 98 ec f8 42 7e
  • To cd to another drive (for example, from C: to D:) the /d flag must be used
  • del can not delete folders, use rm instead
  • grep is so much more powerful than find and findstr, it’s almost not fair to compare them; find has no regex capabilities and findstr has extremely limited regex capabilities ([a-z]{2} is not valid syntax, but [a-z][a-z] is)
  • for loops on the Windows command prompt can only use single-character variable names; this is the only time batch variable names are case-sensitive
  • for loops on the command prompt also use the variable form %A instead of %A% - forloops in batch scripts use the variable form %%A
  • md automatically creates any necessary parent directories, while mkdir needs the -p flag to do so
  • rem may not be used as an inline comment character unless it is preceded by a &
  • :: may not be used as an inline comment at all, and should also not be used inside of a code block (set of parentheses)
  • Note that some Windows command like ping still uses - as flags

Batch Commands and Their Bash Equivalents

Batch Bash Description
command /? man command Shows the help for command
bitsadmin wget or curl Downloads a remote file
certutil -hashfile file_name MD5 md5sum file_name Gets the MD5 checksum of file_name
cd pwd Displays the current directory
cd directory cd directory Changes the current directory to the specified one
cls clear Clears the screen
copy cp Copies a file or files from a source path to a target path
date date Displays the date or sets it based on user input
del rm Deletes a file or files
dir ls displays a list of files and directories in the current directory
echo echo Displays text on the screen
exit return Exits a script or subroutine
exit logout Closes the command prompt or terminal
fc diff Compares the contents of two files
find "string" file_name grep "string" file_name Searches file_name for string
findstr "string" file_name grep "string" file_name Searches file_name for string
for /F %A in (fileset*) do something for item in fileset*; do; something; done Do something for every file in a set of files
for /F %A in ('command') do something `command` Returns the output of a command
for /L %A in (first,increment,last) do something for item in `seq first increment last`; do; something; done Starts at first and counts by increment until it reaches last
forfiles find Searches for files that match a certain criteria
if "%variable%"=="value" ( if [ "variable"="value" ]; then Compares two values
ipconfig ifconfig Displays IP information
md mkdir Creates new folders
mklink ln -s Creates a symbolic link
more more Displays one screen of output at a time
move mv Moves a file or files from a source path to a target path
pause read -p "Press any key to continue" Pauses script execution until the user presses a button
popd popd Removes the top entry from the directory stack and goes to the new top directory
pushd pushd Adds the current directory to the directory stack and goes to the new top directory
ren mv Renames files
rem or :: # Comments a line of code
rd rmdir Removes empty directories
rd /s rm -rf Removes directories regardlesss of whether or not they were empty
set variable=value variable=value Sets the value of variable to value
set /a variable=equation variable=$((equation)) Performs math (batch can only use 32-bit integers)
set /p variable=promptstring read -p "promptstring" variable Gets user input and stores it in variable
shift shift Shifts arguments by 1 (or n if provided)
sort sort Sorts output alphabetically by line
tasklist ps Shows a list of running processes
taskkill /PID processid kill processid Kills the process with PID processid
time /t date Displays the current time
type cat Displays the contents of a file
where which Searches the current directory and the PATH for a file or command
whoami id Displays the name and group of the current user

Batch Variables and Their Bash Equivalent

Batch Bash Description
%variable% $variable A regular variable
!variable! $variable A variable inside of a code block when setlocal enabledelayedexpansion is on
%errorlevel% or ERRORLEVEL $? Returns the status of the previous command: 0 if successful, 1 (or something else) if not
%1, %2, %3, etc. $1, $2, $3, etc. The parameters given to a script
%* $* All parameters given to a script

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