
Presentation with beamer package


theme AnnArbor
color theme seahoarse
## Remarks#
For other themes and colors you can visit

Simple one author title slide





\title[Short topic]{Awesome long topic}

\author[Name]{Full name}

\institute[Institute short form]{Full name of institute}





enter image description here

Multiple author and affiliation title slide



\title[]{ABCDE for analysis of PQRS systems}

\author[] {

      AA AAAA \inst{1}
      \and BB BBBB \inst{1}

      \and CC CCCC \inst{1}

      \and DD DDDD \inst{1} 

      \and EE EEEE\inst{2}

      \and FF FFFF\inst{3}

      \and GG GGGG \inst{3}}



   Department of UV, Univ. of XYZ


   Department of MN, Univ. of XYZ 


   Advanced Centre for PQR








enter image description here

This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow