MATLAB Language

Initializing Matrices or arrays


Matlab has three important functions to create matrices and set their elements to zeroes, ones, or the identity matrix. (The identity matrix has ones on the main diagonal and zeroes elsewhere.)


  • Z = zeros(sz,datatype,arraytype)
  • X = ones(sz,datatype)
  • I = eye(sz,datatype)


Parameter Details
sz n (for an n x n matrix)
sz n, m (for an n x m matrix)
sz m,n,…,k (for an m-by-n-by-…-by-k matrix)
datatype ‘double’ (default), ‘single’, ‘int8’, ‘uint8’, ‘int16’, ‘uint16’, ‘int32’, ‘uint32’, ‘int64’, or ‘uint64’
arraytype ‘distributed’
arraytype ‘codistributed’
arraytype ‘gpuArray’
## Remarks#
These functions will create a matrix of doubles, by default.
## Creating a matrix of 0s
z1 = zeros(5); % Create a 5-by-5 matrix of zeroes
z2 = zeros(2,3); % Create a 2-by-3 matrix

Creating a matrix of 1s

o1 = ones(5); % Create a 5-by-5 matrix of ones
o2 = ones(1,3); % Create a 1-by-3 matrix / vector of size 3

Creating an identity matrix

i1 = eye(3); % Create a 3-by-3 identity matrix
i2 = eye(5,6); % Create a 5-by-6 identity matrix

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