
Horizontal Scaling

Deploying an Application with Separated Database (MONGO_URL)

You’ll need to separate out your application layer from your database layer, and that means specifying the MONGO_URL. Which means running your app through the bundle command, uncompressing it, setting environment variables, and then launching the project as a node app. Here’s how…

#make sure you're running the node v0.10.21 or later
npm cache clean -f
npm install -g n
sudo n 0.10.21

# bundle the app
mkdir myapp
cd myapp 
git clone
meteor bundle --directory ../deployPath
cd ../deployPath

# make sure fibers is installed, as per the README
export MONGO_URL='mongodb://'
export PORT='3000'
export ROOT_URL=''

# run the site
node main.js

Replica Set Configuration

Then go into the mongo shell and initiate the replica set, like so:


> rs.initiate()
PRIMARY> rs.add("mongo-a")
PRIMARY> rs.add("mongo-b")
PRIMARY> rs.add("mongo-c")
PRIMARY> rs.setReadPref('secondaryPreferred')

Configuring a Replica Set to Use Oplogging

The replica set will need an oplog user to access the database.


PRIMARY> use admin
PRIMARY> db.addUser({user:"oplogger",pwd:"YOUR_PASSWORD",roles:[],otherDBRoles:{local:["read"]}});
PRIMARY> show users

Oplog Upstart Script

Your upstart script will need to be modified to use multiple IP addresses of the replica set.

start on started mountall
stop on shutdown

respawn limit 99 5

    # our example assumes you're using a replica set and/or oplog integreation
    export MONGO_URL='mongodb://mongo-a:27017,mongo-b:27017,mongo-c:27017/meteor'

    # here we configure our OPLOG URL
    export MONGO_OPLOG_URL='mongodb://oplogger:YOUR_PASSWORD@mongo-a:27017,mongo-b:27017,mongo-c:27017/local?authSource=admin'

    # root_url and port are the other two important environment variables to set
    export ROOT_URL=''
    export PORT='80'

    exec /usr/local/bin/node /var/www/production/main.js >> /var/log/node.log 2>&1
end script


Oplog Tailing on Sharded Mongo

This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow