
RestLet - Retrieve Data (Basic)


This sample shows the basic structure of a RESTlet script that is intended to be used to retrieve data from an external system. RESTlets are endpoints that are created to allow communication with external systems.

Retrieve Customer Name

 * requestdata - the data packet expected to be passed in by external system
 * JSON - data format exchange
 * stringify() convert javascript object into a string with JSON.stringify()
 * nlobjError - add in catch block to log exceptions

function GetCustomerData(requestdata)
    var jsonString = JSON.stringify(requestdata);
    nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'JSON', jsonString);

        var customer = requestdata.customer;
        nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'customer', customer);
    catch (err)
        var errMessage = err;
        if(err instanceof nlobjError)
            errMessage = errMessage + ' ' + err.getDetails() + ' ' + errMessage;
        nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'Error', errMessage);

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