
Inline Editing with SuiteScript


Inline editing allows users to very quickly modify and update the data for a particular record without having to load the entire record on a page, edit the form, then save the record.

NetSuite developers have a corresponding functionality called submitFields. The submitFields functionality is provided by the nlapiSubmitField global function in SuiteScript 1.0 and the N/record#submitFields method in SuiteScript 2.0.


  • nlapiSubmitField(recordType, recordId, fieldId, fieldValue);
  • nlapiSubmitField(recordType, recordId, fieldIds, fieldValues);
  • nlapiSubmitField(recordType, recordId, fieldId, fieldValue, doSourcing);


Parameter Details
recordType String - The internal ID of the type of record being updated
recordId String or Number - The internal ID of the record being updated
fieldIds String or String[] - The internal ID(s) of the field(s) being updated
fieldValues any or any[] - The corresponding values to be set in the given fields
doSourcing Boolean - Whether dependent values should be sourced in upon record submission. Default is false
## Remarks#
The submitFields functionality is a companion feature to the lookupFields functionality.

Performance and Limitations

submitFields performs significantly faster and uses less governance than making the same changes by loading and submitting the full record.

Multiple fields can be updated at once for the same cost as updating a single field. Updating more fields with submitFields does not incur a higher governance cost.

However, you must be aware that only certain fields on each record type are inline-editable, and the performance savings only applies to these inline-editable fields. If you use the submitFields function on any non-inline-editable field, the field will be updated correctly, but behind the scenes, NetSuite will actually load and submit the record, thus taking more time and using more governance. You can determine whether a field is inline-editable by referring to the “nlapiSubmitField” column in the Records Browser.

submitFields functionality is also limited to the body fields of a record. If you need to modify sublist data, you will need to load the record to make your changes, then submit the record.


  • NetSuite Help: “Inline Editing and SuiteScript Overview”
  • NetSuite Help: “Inline Editing Using nlapiSubmitField”
  • NetSuite Help: “Consequences of Using nlapiSubmitField on Non Inline Editable Fields”
  • NetSuite Help: “Field APIs”
  • NetSuite Help: “record.submitFields(options)”

[1.0] Submit a Single Field

 * A SuiteScript 1.0 example of using nlapiSubmitField to update a single field on a related record

// From a Sales Order, get the Customer ID
var customerId = nlapiGetFieldValue("entity");

// Set a comment on the Customer record
nlapiSubmitField("customer", customerId, "comments", "This is a comment added by inline editing with SuiteScript.");

[1.0] Submit Multiple Fields

 * A SuiteScript 1.0 example of using nlapiSubmitField to update multiple fields on a related record

// From a Sales Order, get the Customer ID
var customerId = nlapiGetFieldValue("entity");

// Set a Comment and update the Budget Approved field on the Customer record
nlapiSubmitField("customer", customerId,
    ["comments", "isbudgetapproved"],
    ["The budget has been approved.", "T"]);

[2.0] Submit a Single Field

 * A SuiteScript 2.0 example of using N/record#submitFields to update a single field on a related record

require(["N/record", "N/currentRecord"], function (r, cr) {

    // From a Sales Order, get the Customer ID
    var customerId = cr.get().getValue({"fieldId": "entity"});

    // Set a Comment on the Customer record
        "type": r.Type.CUSTOMER,
        "id": customerId,
        "values": {
            "comments": "This is a comment added by inline editing with SuiteScript."

[2.0] Submit Multiple Fields

 * A SuiteScript 2.0 example of using N/record#submitFields to update multiple fields on a related record

require(["N/record", "N/currentRecord"], function (r, cr) {

    // From a Sales Order, get the Customer ID
    var customerId = cr.get().getValue({"fieldId": "entity"});

    // Set a Comment and check the Budget Approved box on the Customer record
        "type": r.Type.CUSTOMER,
        "id": customerId,
        "values": {
            "comments": "The budget has been approved.",
            "isbudgetapproved": true

This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow