R Language

RESTful R Services


OpenCPU uses standard R packaging to develop, ship and deploy web applications.

opencpu Apps

The official website contain good exemple of apps: https://www.opencpu.org/apps.html

The following code is used to serve a R session:

opencpu$start(port = 5936)

After this code is executed, you can use URLs to access the functions of the R session. The result could be XML, html, JSON or some other defined formats.

For exemple, the previous R session can be accessed by a cURL call:

#curl uses http post method for -X POST or -d "arg=value"
curl https://localhost:5936/ocpu/library/MASS/scripts/ch01.R -X POST
curl https://localhost:5936/ocpu/library/stats/R/rnorm -d "n=10&mean=5"

The call is asynchronous, meaning that the R session is not blocked while waiting for the call to finish (contrary to shiny).

The call result is kept in a temporary session stored in /ocpu/tmp/

An exemple of how to retrieve the temporary session:

curl https://public.opencpu.org/ocpu/library/stats/R/rnorm -d n=5

x009f9e7630 is the name of the session.

Pointing to /ocpu/tmp/x009f9e7630/R/.val will return the value resulting of rnorm(5), /ocpu/tmp/x009f9e7630/R/console will return the content of the console of rnorm(5), etc..

This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow