

The dot operator

The . operator in Rust comes with a lot of magic! When you use ., the compiler will insert as many *s (dereferencing operations) necessary to find the method down the deref “tree”. As this happens at compile time, there is no runtime cost of finding the method.

let mut name: String = "hello world".to_string();
// no deref happens here because push is defined in String itself

let name_ref: &String = &name;
// Auto deref happens here to get to the String. See below
let name_len = name_ref.len();
// You can think of this as syntactic sugar for the following line:
let name_len2 = (*name_ref).len();

// Because of how the deref rules work,
// you can have an arbitrary number of references. 
// The . operator is clever enough to know what to do.
let name_len3 = (&&&&&&&&&&&&name).len();
assert_eq!(name_len3, name_len);

Auto dereferencing also works for any type implementing std::ops::Deref trait.

let vec = vec![1, 2, 3];
let iterator = vec.iter();

Here, iter is not a method of Vec<T>, but a method of [T]. It works because Vec<T> implements Deref with Target=[T] which lets Vec<T> turn into [T] when dereferenced by the * operator (which the compiler may insert during a .).

Deref coercions

Given two types T and U, &T will coerce (implicitly convert) to &U if and only if T implements Deref<Target=U>

This allows us to do things like this:

fn foo(a: &[i32]) {
    // code

fn bar(s: &str) {
    // code

let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
foo(&v); // &Vec<i32> coerces into &[i32] because Vec<T> impls Deref<Target=[T]>

let s = "Hello world".to_string();
let rc = Rc::new(s);
// This works because Rc<T> impls Deref<Target=T> ∴ &Rc<String> coerces into 
// &String which coerces into &str. This happens as much as needed at compile time.

Using Deref and AsRef for function arguments

For functions that need to take a collection of objects, slices are usually a good choice:

fn work_on_bytes(slice: &[u8]) {}

Because Vec<T> and arrays [T; N] implement Deref<Target=[T]>, they can be easily coerced to a slice:

let vec = Vec::new();

let arr = [0; 10];

let slice = &[1,2,3];
work_on_bytes(slice); // Note lack of &, since it doesn't need coercing

However, instead of explicitly requiring a slice, the function can be made to accept any type that can be used as a slice:

fn work_on_bytes<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(input: T) {
    let slice = input.as_ref();

In this example the function work_on_bytes will take any type T that implements as_ref(), which returns a reference to [u8].

work_on_bytes("strings work too!");

Deref implementation for Option and wrapper structure

Simple Deref example

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