
Rust Style Guide


Although there is no official Rust style guide, the following examples show the conventions adopted by most Rust projects. Following these conventions will align your project’s style with that of the standard library, making it easier for people to see the logic in your code.


The official Rust style guidelines were available in the rust-lang/rust repository on GitHub, but they have recently been removed, pending migration to the rust-lang-nursery/fmt-rfcs repository. Until new guidelines are published there, you should try to follow the guidelines in the rust-lang repository.

You can use rustfmt and clippy to automatically review your code for style issues and format it correctly. These tools can be installed using Cargo, like so:

cargo install clippy
cargo install rustfmt

To run them, you use:

cargo clippy
cargo fmt


Line Length

// Lines should never exceed 100 characters. 
// Instead, just wrap on to the next line.
let bad_example = "So this sort of code should never really happen, because it's really hard to fit on the screen!";


// You should always use 4 spaces for indentation. 
// Tabs are discouraged - if you can, set your editor to convert
// a tab into 4 spaces.
let x = vec![1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9];
for item in x {
    if x / 2 == 3 {
        println!("{}", x);

Trailing Whitespace

Trailing whitespace at the end of files or lines should be deleted.

Binary Operators

// For clarity, always add a space when using binary operators, e.g.
// +, -, =, *
let bad=3+4;
let good = 3 + 4;

This also applies in attributes, for example:

// Good:
#[deprecated = "Don't use my class - use Bar instead!"]

// Bad:
#[deprecated="This is broken"]


// There is no space between the end of a statement
// and a semicolon.

let bad = Some("don't do this!") ;
let good: Option<&str> = None;

Aligning Struct Fields

// Struct fields should **not** be aligned using spaces, like this:
pub struct Wrong {
    pub x  : i32,
    pub foo: i64 

// Instead, just leave 1 space after the colon and write the type, like this:
pub struct Right {
    pub x: i32,
    pub foo: i64

Function Signatures

// Long function signatures should be wrapped and aligned so that
// the starting parameter of each line is aligned
fn foo(example_item: Bar, another_long_example: Baz, 
       yet_another_parameter: Quux) 
       -> ReallyLongReturnItem {
    // Be careful to indent the inside block correctly!


// The starting brace should always be on the same line as its parent.
// The ending brace should be on its own line.
fn bad()
    println!("This is incorrect.");

struct Good {
    example: i32

struct AlsoBad {
    example: i32 }

Creating Crates

Preludes and Re-Exports

// To reduce the amount of imports that users need, you should
// re-export important structs and traits.
pub use foo::Client;
pub use bar::Server;

Sometimes, crates use a prelude module to contain important structs, just like std::io::prelude. Usually, these are imported with use std::io::prelude::*;


You should order your imports and declarations like so:

  • extern crate declarations
  • use imports
    • External imports from other crates should come first
  • Re-exports (pub use)



// Structs use UpperCamelCase.
pub struct Snafucator {

mod snafucators {
    // Try to avoid 'stuttering' by repeating 
    // the module name in the struct name.

    // Bad:
    pub struct OrderedSnafucator {
    // Good:
    pub struct Ordered {


// Traits use the same naming principles as 
// structs (UpperCamelCase).
trait Read {
    fn read_to_snafucator(&self) -> Result<(), Error>;

Crates and Modules

// Modules and crates should both use snake_case.
// Crates should try to use single words if possible.
extern crate foo;
mod bar_baz {
    mod quux {


Static Variables and Constants

// Statics and constants use SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.
const NAME: &'static str = "SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE";


// Enum types and their variants **both** use UpperCamelCase.
pub enum Option<T> {

Functions and Methods

// Functions and methods use snake_case
fn snake_cased_function() {


Variable bindings

// Regular variables also use snake_case
let foo_bar = "snafu";


// Lifetimes should consist of a single lower case letter. By 
// convention, you should start at 'a, then 'b, etc.

// Good:
struct Foobar<'a> {
    x: &'a str

// Bad:
struct Bazquux<'stringlife> {
    my_str: &'stringlife str


Variable names that contain acronyms, such as TCP should be styled as follows:

  • For UpperCamelCase names, the first letter should be capitalised (e.g. TcpClient)
  • For snake_case names, there should be no capitalisation (e.g. tcp_client)
  • For SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE names, the acronym should be completely capitalised (e.g. TCP_CLIENT)


Type Annotations

// There should be one space after the colon of the type
// annotation. This rule applies in variable declarations,
// struct fields, functions and methods.

// GOOD:
let mut buffer: String = String::new();
// BAD:
let mut buffer:String = String::new();
let mut buffer : String = String::new();


// The ampersand (&) of a reference should be 'touching'
// the type it refers to.

// GOOD:
let x: &str = "Hello, world.";
// BAD:
fn fooify(x: & str) {
    println!("{}", x);

// Mutable references should be formatted like so:
fn bar(buf: &mut String) {


This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow