Scala Language


Creating a Future

import scala.concurrent.Future

object FutureDivider {
    def divide(a: Int, b: Int): Future[Int] = Future {
        // Note that this is integer division.
        a / b

Quite simply, the divide method creates a Future that will resolve with the quotient of a over b.

Consuming a Successful Future

The easiest way to consume a successful Future— or rather, get the value inside the Future— is to use the map method. Suppose some code calls the divide method of the FutureDivider object from the “Creating a Future” example. What would the code need to look like to get the quotient of a over b?

object Calculator {
    def calculateAndReport(a: Int, b: Int) = {
        val eventualQuotient = FutureDivider divide(a, b)
        eventualQuotient map {
            quotient => println(quotient)

Consuming a Failed Future

Sometimes the computation in a Future can create an exception, which will cause the Future to fail. In the “Creating a Future” example, what if the calling code passed 55 and 0 to the divide method? It’d throw an ArithmeticException after trying to divide by zero, of course. How would that be handled in consuming code? There are actually a handful of ways to deal with failures.

Handle the exception with recover and pattern matching.

object Calculator {
    def calculateAndReport(a: Int, b: Int) = {
        val eventualQuotient = FutureDivider divide(a, b)
        eventualQuotient recover {
            case ex: ArithmeticException => println(s"It failed with: ${ex.getMessage}")

Handle the exception with the failed projection, where the exception becomes the value of the Future:

object Calculator {
    def calculateAndReport(a: Int, b: Int) = {
        val eventualQuotient = FutureDivider divide(a, b)
        // Note the use of the dot operator to get the failed projection and map it. {
            ex => println(s"It failed with: ${ex.getMessage}")

Putting the Future Together

The previous examples demonstrated the individual features of a Future, handling success and failure cases. Usually, however, both features are handled much more tersely. Here’s the example, written in a neater and more realistic way:

object Calculator {
    def calculateAndReport(a: Int, b: Int) = {
        val eventualQuotient = FutureDivider divide(a, b)
        eventualQuotient map {
            quotient => println(s"Quotient: $quotient")
        } recover {
            case ex: ArithmeticException => println(s"It failed with: ${ex.getMessage}")

Sequencing and traversing Futures

In some cases it is necessary to calculate a variable amount of values on separate Futures. Assume to have a List[Future[Int]], but instead a List[Int] needs to be processed. Then the question is how to turn this instance of List[Future[Int]] into a Future[List[Int]]. For this purpose there is the sequence method on the Future companion object.

def listOfFuture: List[Future[Int]] = List(1,2,3).map(Future(_))
def futureOfList: Future[List[Int]] = Future.sequence(listOfFuture)

In general sequence is a commonly known operator within the world of functional programming that transforms F[G[T]] into G[F[T]] with restrictions to F and G.

There is an alternate operator called traverse, which works similar but takes a function as an extra argument. With the identity function x => x as a parameter it behaves like the sequence operator.

def listOfFuture: List[Future[Int]] = List(1,2,3).map(Future(_))
def futureOfList: Future[List[Int]] = Future.traverse(listOfFuture)(x => x)

However, the extra argument allows to modify each future instance inside the given listOfFuture. Furthermore, the first argument doesn’t need to be a list of Future. Therefore it is possible to transform the example as follows:

def futureOfList: Future[List[Int]] = Future.traverse(List(1,2,3))(Future(_))

In this case the List(1,2,3) is directly passed as first argument and the identity function x => x is replaced with the function Future(_) to similarly wrap each Int value into a Future. An advantage of this is that the intermediary List[Future[Int]] can be omitted to improve performance.

Combine Multiple Futures – For Comprehension

The for comprehension is a compact way to run a block of code that depends on the successful result of multiple futures.

With f1, f2, f3 three Future[String]’s that will contain the strings one, two, three respectively,

val fCombined = 
    for {
        s1 <- f1
        s2 <- f2
        s3 <- f3
    } yield (s"$s1 - $s2 - $s3")

fCombined will be a Future[String] containing the string one - two - three once all the futures have completed successfully.

Note that an implicit ExectionContext is assumed here.

Also, keep in mind that for comprehension is just a syntactic sugar for a flatMap method, so Future objects construction inside for body would eliminate concurrent execution of code-blocks enclosed by futures and lead to sequential code. You see it on example:

val result1 = for {
  first <- Future {
  second <- Future {
} yield first - second

val fut1 = Future {
val fut2 = Future {
val result2 = for {
  first <- fut1
  second <- fut2
} yield first - second

Value enclosed by result1 object would be always negative while result2 would be positive.

For more details about the for comprehension and yield in general, see

This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow