Microsoft SQL Server

Logical Functions


Returns the item at the specified index from a list of values. If index exceeds the bounds of values then NULL is returned.


  1. index: integer, index to item in values. 1-based.

  2. values: any type, comma separated list

    SELECT CHOOSE (1, ‘apples’, ‘pears’, ‘oranges’, ‘bananas’) AS chosen_result



Returns one of two values, depending on whether a given Boolean expression evaluates to true or false.


  1. boolean_expression evaluated to dtermine what value to return

  2. true_value returned if boolean_expression evaluates to true

  3. false_value returned if boolean_expression evaluates to false

    SELECT IIF (42 > 23, ‘I knew that!’, ‘That is not true.‘) AS iif_result

    I knew that!

IIF may be replaced by a CASE statement. The above example my be written as

SELECT CASE WHEN 42 > 23 THEN 'I knew that!' ELSE 'That is not true.' END AS iif_result

I knew that!

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