Microsoft SQL Server

Drop Keyword


The Drop keyword can be used with various SQL objects, this topic provides quick examples of different usage with database objects.


Links to MSDN.

Drop tables

The DROP TABLE command remove the table definitions and all data, indexes, triggers, constraints and related permissions.

Before you drop a table, you should check if there are any object (views, stored procedures, other tables) that reference the table.

You cannot drop a table referenced by another table by FOREIGN KEY. You must first drop the FOREIGN KEY referencing it.

You can drop a table referenced by a view or stored procedure, but after dropping the table, the view or stored procedure is no longer usable.

The Syntax

DROP TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] [ database_name . [ schema_name ] . | schema_name . ]
table_name [ ,...n ] [ ; ]
  • IF EXISTS - Drop the table only if exists
  • database_name - Specify the name of the database where the table is contained
  • schema_name - Specify the name of the schema where the table is under
  • table_name - Specify the name of the table to be dropped


Remove the table with name TABLE_1 from current database and default schema dbo


Remove the table with TABLE_1 from database HR and default schema dbo


Remove the table with TABLE_1 from database HR and schema external


Drop Databases

The DROP DATABASE command removes a database catalog, regardless of its state (offline, read-only, suspect, etc.), from the current SQL Server instance.

A database cannot be dropped if there are any database snapshots associated with it, as the database snapshots must be dropped first.

A database drop removes all of the physical disk files (unless it’s offline) used by the database unless you use the Stored Procedure ‘sp_detach_db’.

A database snapshot drop deletes the snapshot from the SQL Server instance and deletes the physical files also used by it.

A dropped database can only be re-created by restoring a backup (not from a database snapshot either).

The Syntax

DROP DATABASE [ IF EXISTS ] { database_name | database_snapshot_name } [ ,...n ] [;]  
  • IF EXISTS - Drop the table only if exists
  • database_name - Specifies the name of the database to drop
  • database_snapshot_name - Specifies the database snapshot to remove


Remove a single database;


Removing multiple databases

DROP DATABASE Database1, Database2;

Removing a snapshot

DROP DATABASE Database1_snapshot17;

Removing if database exists


Drop temporary tables

In SQL server we have 2 types of temporary tables:

  1. ##GlobalTempTable is a type of temporary table that is sheered between all user’s sessions.
  2. #LocalTempTable temp tab - it is a type of temporary table that only exists in current scope (only in actual process - you can get id of your current process by SELECT @@SPID)

Droping process of temporary tables is the same as for normal table:

DROP TABLE [ database_name . [ schema_name ] . | schema_name . ] table_name   

BEFORE SQL Server 2016:

IF(OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TempTable') is not null)
    DROP TABLE #TempTable;

SQL Server 2016:


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