Create web services with Symfony using Rest
Using Symfony REST Edition
Symfony REST Edition is a fully-functional Symfony2 application that you can use as the skeleton for your new applications.
It comes pre-configured with the following bundles:
Bundle | Description |
FrameworkBundle | The core Symfony framework bundle. |
SensioFrameworkExtraBundle | Adds several enhancements such as template and routing annotation capability. |
DoctrineBundle | Adds support for the Doctrine ORM. |
TwigBundle | Adds support for the Twig templating engine. |
SecurityBundle | Adds security by integrating Symfony’s security component. |
SwiftmailerBundle | Adds support for Swiftmailer, a library for sending emails. |
MonologBundle | Adds support for Monolog, a logging library. |
AsseticBundle | Adds support for Assetic, an asset processing library. |
WebProfilerBundle (in dev/test environment) | Adds profiling functionality and the web debug toolbar. |
SensioDistributionBundle (in dev/test environment) | Adds functionality for configuring and working with Symfony distributions. |
SensioGeneratorBundle (in dev/test environment) | Adds code generation capabilities. |
AcmeDemoBundle (in dev/test environment) | A demo bundle with some example code. |
FOSRestBundle | The FOSRestBundle adds REST functionality. |
FOSHttpCacheBundle | This bundle offers tools to improve HTTP caching with Symfony2. |
NelmioApiDocBundle | Adds API documentation features. |
BazingaHateoasBundle | Adds HATEOAS support. |
HautelookTemplatedUriBundle | Adds Templated URIs (RFC 6570) support. |
BazingaRestExtraBundle | BazingaRestExtraBundle Provides extra features for REST APIs built using Symfony2. |