
File name qualifiers


Qualifiers are used in this common format:

Files: filename.qualifier-value.ext
~ multiple qualifiers: filename.qualifier1-value1_qualifier2-value2_....ext

Qualified folders: qualifier-value
~ multiple qualifiers: qualifier1-value1_qualifier2-value2_...

Qualifiers are listed bellow, they are used in the format described above

Qualifier Usage Values
Lang / Language Specifies a language, region or both. XX-XX, or XX values in BCP-47
Scale Qualifies the device scale factor. Commonly 100 / 125 / 150 / 200 / 400
DeviceFamily Specifies the device type. Mobile / Team / Desktop / IoT
Contrast Specifies the contrast theme type. Standard / High / Black / White
HomeRegion Specifies user’s home region. Any ISO3166-1 alpha2 or numeric code
TargetSize Gives the smallest image larger than need. Any positive integer.
LayoutDir Specifies a layout direction. RTL / LTR / TTBRTL / TTBLTR
Config Qualifies for MS_CONFIGURATION_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE. The value of environment config.
DXFL* Specifies a DirectX feature level. DX9 / DX10 / DX11
* Also used as DXFeatureLevel.

Some notes to keep in mind:

  • HomeRegion won’t accept groupings or unions.
  • TargetSize and Scale cannot be used together.

Using different views for device types

You can qualify a whole folder folder for a specific device type, its files will override the ones outside it on that device:

/ DeviceFamily-Mobile

Files inside the qualifying folder won’t need qualifiers.

Default asset scaling qualifiers

If you browse your app’s Assets folder you will notice that all resources are qualified by their scales (As you are required to put seperate files for each scaling in the package manifest).


Using the TargetSize qualifier

Let’s assume we have an Image element using a square image named Picture.png.
We can use different files for each dimension set for the element.


Now if we set the Height or Width of our Image to 16px, it will use Picture.TargetSize-16.png as a source. Now if we set the dimensions to 20px, there is no image matching the exact dimensions, so it will use Picture.TargetSize-32.png, as it’s the nearest image larger than our needs. Dimensions higher than 128 will use Picture.TargetSize-128.png.

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