
blend-model (component)


blend-model component Loads a three.js format JSON model containing skeletal animation blending using THREE.BlendCharacter. This is mainly used to represent the hand and Vive controllers.


  • <a-entity blend-model="#a-asset-item-selector"></a-entity>



Type Description
selector Selector to an <a-asset-item>
string url()-enclosed path to a JSON file


Event Name Description
model-loaded JSON model was loaded into the scene.
## Example usage of blend-model
We can load the model by pointing using the ID to an that specifies the src to a file:
    <a-asset-item id="hand" src="/path/to/hand.json"></a-asset-item>
  <!-- Now we can use that asset with blend-model-->
  <a-entity blend-model="#hand"></a-entity>

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