
gltf-model (component)


The gltf-model component allows to use 3D models in the glTF format with A-Frame. glTF is a Khronos standard for efficient, full-scene 3D models and is optimised for usage on the web.


  • <a-entity gltf-model="url("></a-entity>
  • <a-entity gltf-model="#duck"></a-entity>


Parameter Details
url(...) will load the glTF model wrapped from the URL wrapped in url()
#example will load the <a-asset-item> with the ID example
## Loading a glTF model via URL
  <a-entity gltf-model="url(" position="0 0 -5"></a-entity>

Loading a gltf-model via the asset system

    <a-asset-item id="duck" src=""></a-asset-item>

  <a-entity gltf-model="#duck" position="0 0 -5"></a-entity>

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