D Language

UFCS - Uniform Function Call Syntax


  • aThirdFun(anotherFun(myFun(), 42); // common notation (also valid)
  • myFun().anotherFun(42).aThirdFun(); // UFCS
  • myFun.anotherFun(42).aThirdFun; // empty braces can be removed


In a call a.b(args...), if the type a does not have a method named b, then the compiler will try to rewrite the call as b(a, args...).

Checking if a Number is Prime

import std.stdio;

bool isPrime(int number) {
    foreach(i; 2..number) {
        if (number % i == 0) {
            return false;

    return true;

void main() {

UFCS with ranges

void main() {
    import std.algorithm : group;
    import std.range;
    [1, 2].chain([3, 4]).retro; // [4, 3, 2, 1]
    [1, 1, 2, 2, 2].group.dropOne.front; //  tuple(2, 3u)        

UFCS with Durations from std.datetime

import core.thread, std.stdio, std.datetime;

void some_operation() {
    // Sleep for two sixtieths (2/60) of a second.
    Thread.sleep(2.seconds / 60);
    // Sleep for 100 microseconds.

void main() {
    MonoTime t0 = MonoTime.currTime();
    MonoTime t1 = MonoTime.currTime();
    Duration time_taken = t1 - t0;

    writeln("You can do some_operation() this many times per second: ",
            1.seconds / time_taken);

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