D Language



The assertions will be optimized away in an release build.

Function contracts

Function contracts allow the programer to check for inconsistencies. Inconsistencies include invalid parameters, checks for the correct return value or an invalid state of the object.

The checks can happen before and after the body of the function or method is executed.

void printNotGreaterThan42(uint number)
in {
    assert(number < 42);
body {
    import std.stdio : writeln;

The assertions will be optimized away in an release build.

Function contracts

For example if an method is invoked the state of the object may not allow that a method is called with specific parameters or not at all.

class OlderThanEighteen {
    uint age;

    final void driveCar()
    in {
         assert(age >= 18); // variable must be in range
    body {
         // step on the gas

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