Design patterns




Same as Singleton, Multiton can be considered a bad practice. However, there are times when you can use it wisely (for example, if you building a system like ORM/ODM to persist multiple objects).

Pool of Singletons (PHP example)

Multiton can be used as a container for singletons. This is Multiton implementation is a combination of Singleton and Pool patterns.

This is an example of how common Multiton abstract Pool class can be created:

abstract class MultitonPoolAbstract
     * @var array
    protected static $instances = [];

    final protected function __construct() {}

     * Get class name of lately binded class
     * @return string
    final protected static function getClassName()
        return get_called_class();

     * Instantiates a calling class object
     * @return static
    public static function getInstance()
        $className = static::getClassName();

        if( !isset(self::$instances[$className]) ) {
            self::$instances[$className] = new $className;

        return self::$instances[$className];

     * Deletes a calling class object
     * @return void
    public static function deleteInstance()
        $className = static::getClassName();

        if( isset(self::$instances[$className]) )

    | Seal methods that can instantiate the class

    final protected function __clone() {}

    final protected function __sleep() {}

    final protected function __wakeup() {}

This way we can instantiate a various Singleton pools.

Registry of Singletons (PHP example)

This pattern can be used to contain a registered Pools of Singletons, each distinguished by unique ID:

abstract class MultitonRegistryAbstract
     * @var array
    protected static $instances = [];

     * @param string $id
    final protected function __construct($id) {}

     * Get class name of lately binded class
     * @return string
    final protected static function getClassName()
        return get_called_class();

     * Instantiates a calling class object
     * @return static
    public static function getInstance($id)
        $className = static::getClassName();

        if( !isset(self::$instances[$className]) ) {
            self::$instances[$className] = [$id => new $className($id)];
        } else {
            if( !isset(self::$instances[$className][$id]) ) {
                self::$instances[$className][$id] = new $className($id);

        return self::$instances[$className][$id];

     * Deletes a calling class object
     * @return void
    public static function unsetInstance($id)
        $className = static::getClassName();

        if( isset(self::$instances[$className]) ) {
            if( isset(self::$instances[$className][$id]) ) {

            if( empty(self::$instances[$className]) ) {

    | Seal methods that can instantiate the class

    final protected function __clone() {}

    final protected function __sleep() {}

    final protected function __wakeup() {}

This is simplified form of pattern that can be used for ORM to store several entities of a given type.

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