Elixir Language


List all visible nodes in the system

iex(bob@> Node.list

Connecting nodes on the same machine

Start two named nodes in two terminal windows:

>iex --name bob@
>iex --name frank@

Connect two nodes by instructing one node to connect:

iex(bob@> Node.connect :"frank@"

The two nodes are now connected and aware of each other:

iex(bob@> Node.list
iex(frank@> Node.list

You can execute code on other nodes:

iex(bob@> greet = fn() -> IO.puts("Hello from #{inspect(Node.self)}") end
iex(bob@> Node.spawn(:"frank@", greet)
Hello from :"frank@"

Connecting nodes on different machines

Start a named process on one IP address:

$ iex --name foo@ --cookie chocolate
iex(foo@> Node.ping :"bar@"
iex(foo@> Node.list

Start another named process on a different IP address:

$ iex --name bar@ --cookie chocolate
iex(bar@> Node.list

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