Elixir Language



Note that the do...end syntax is syntactic sugar for regular keyword lists, so you can actually do this:

unless false, do: IO.puts("Condition is false")
# Outputs "Condition is false"

# With an `else`:
if false, do: IO.puts("Condition is true"), else: IO.puts("Condition is false")
# Outputs "Condition is false"


 case {1, 2} do
  {3, 4} ->
    "This clause won't match."
  {1, x} ->
    "This clause will match and bind x to 2 in this clause."
  _ ->
    "This clause would match any value."

case is only used to match the given pattern of the particular data. Here , {1,2} is matching with different case pattern that is given in the code example.

if and unless

if true do
    "Will be seen since condition is true."

if false do
    "Won't be seen since condition is false."
    "Will be seen.

unless false do
    "Will be seen."

unless true do 
    "Won't be seen."
    "Will be seen."


cond do 
   0 == 1 -> IO.puts "0 = 1"
   2 == 1 + 1 -> IO.puts "1 + 1 = 2" 
   3 == 1 + 2 -> IO.puts "1 + 2 = 3" 

# Outputs "1 + 1 = 2" (first condition evaluating to true)

cond will raise a CondClauseError if no conditions are true.

cond do
  1 == 2 -> "Hmmm"
  "foo" == "bar" -> "What?"
# Error

This can be avoided by adding a condition that will always be true.

cond do
  ... other conditions
  true -> "Default value"

Unless it is never expected to reach the default case, and the program should in fact crash at that point.

with clause

with clause is used to combine matching clauses. It looks like we combine anonymous functions or handle function with multiple bodies (matching clauses). Consider the case: we create a user, insert it into DB, then create greet email and then send it to the user.

Without the with clause we might write something like this (I omitted functions implementations):

case create_user(user_params) do
  {:ok, user} ->
    case Mailer.compose_email(user) do
      {:ok, email} ->
      {:error, reason} ->
  {:error, changeset} ->

Here we handle our business process’s flow with case (it could be cond or if). That leads us to so-called ‘pyramid of doom’, because we have to deal with possible conditions and decide: whether move further or not. It would be much nicer to rewrite this code with with statement:

with {:ok, user} <- create_user(user_params),
     {:ok, email} <- Mailer.compose_email(user) do
  {:ok, Mailer.send_email}
  {:error, _reason} ->

In the code snippet above we’ve rewrite nested case clauses with with. Within with we invoke some functions (either anonymous or named) and pattern match on their outputs. If all matched, with return do block result, or else block result otherwise.

We can omit else so with will return either do block result or the first fail result.

So, the value of with statement is its do block result.

This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow