Elixir Language



So this is a summary analysis I’ve done based on the methods listed at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33851536/how-do-you-define-constants-in-elixir-modules. I’m posting it for a couple reasons:

  • Most Elixir documentation is quite thorough, but I found this key architectural decision lacking guidance - so I would have requested it as a topic.
  • I wanted to get a little visibility and comments from others about the topic.
  • I also wanted to test out the new SO Documentation workflow. ;)

I’ve also uploaded the entire code to the GitHub repo elixir-constants-concept.

Module-scoped constants

defmodule MyModule do
  @my_favorite_number 13
  @use_snake_case "This is a string (use double-quotes)"

These are only accessible from within this module.

Constants as functions


defmodule MyApp.ViaFunctions.Constants do
  def app_version, do: "0.0.1"
  def app_author, do: "Felix Orr"
  def app_info, do: [app_version, app_author]
  def bar, do: "barrific constant in function"

Consume with require:

defmodule MyApp.ViaFunctions.ConsumeWithRequire do
  require MyApp.ViaFunctions.Constants

  def foo() do
    IO.puts MyApp.ViaFunctions.Constants.app_version
    IO.puts MyApp.ViaFunctions.Constants.app_author
    IO.puts inspect MyApp.ViaFunctions.Constants.app_info

  # This generates a compiler error, cannot invoke `bar/0` inside a guard.
  # def foo(_bar) when is_bitstring(bar) do
  #   IO.puts "We just used bar in a guard: #{bar}"
  # end

Consume with import:

defmodule MyApp.ViaFunctions.ConsumeWithImport do
  import MyApp.ViaFunctions.Constants

  def foo() do
    IO.puts app_version
    IO.puts app_author
    IO.puts inspect app_info

This method allows for reuse of constants across projects, but they will not be usable within guard functions that require compile-time constants.

Constants via macros


defmodule MyApp.ViaMacros.Constants do
  @moduledoc """
  Apply with `use MyApp.ViaMacros.Constants, :app` or `import MyApp.ViaMacros.Constants, :app`.

  Each constant is private to avoid ambiguity when importing multiple modules
  that each have their own copies of these constants.

  def app do
    quote do
      # This method allows sharing module constants which can be used in guards.
      @bar "barrific module constant"
      defp app_version, do: "0.0.1"
      defp app_author, do: "Felix Orr"
      defp app_info, do: [app_version, app_author]

  defmacro __using__(which) when is_atom(which) do
    apply(__MODULE__, which, [])

Consume with use:

defmodule MyApp.ViaMacros.ConsumeWithUse do
  use MyApp.ViaMacros.Constants, :app

  def foo() do
    IO.puts app_version
    IO.puts app_author
    IO.puts inspect app_info

  def foo(_bar) when is_bitstring(@bar) do
    IO.puts "We just used bar in a guard: #{@bar}"

This method allows you to use the @some_constant inside guards. I’m not even sure that the functions would be strictly necessary.

This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow