The reflect
docs are a great reference. In general computer programming, reflection is ability of a program to examine the structure and behavior of itself at runtime
Based on its strict static type
system Go lang has some rules (laws of reflection)
Basic reflect.Value Usage
import "reflect"
value := reflect.ValueOf(4)
// Interface returns an interface{}-typed value, which can be type-asserted
value.Interface().(int) // 4
// Type gets the reflect.Type, which contains runtime type information about
// this value
value.Type().Name() // int
value.SetInt(5) // panics -- non-pointer/slice/array types are not addressable
x := 4
reflect.ValueOf(&x).Elem().SetInt(5) // works
import "reflect"
type S struct {
A int
b string
func (s *S) String() { return s.b }
s := &S{
A: 5,
b: "example",
indirect := reflect.ValueOf(s) // effectively a pointer to an S
value := indirect.Elem() // this is addressable, since we've derefed a pointer
value.FieldByName("A").Interface() // 5
value.Field(2).Interface() // "example"
value.NumMethod() // 0, since String takes a pointer receiver
indirect.NumMethod() // 1
indirect.Method(0).Call([]reflect.Value{}) // "example"
indirect.MethodByName("String").Call([]reflect.Value{}) // "example"
import "reflect"
s := []int{1, 2, 3}
value := reflect.ValueOf(s)
value.Len() // 3
value.Index(0).Interface() // 1
value.Type().Kind() // reflect.Slice
value.Type().Elem().Name() // int
value.Index(1).CanAddr() // true -- slice elements are addressable
value.Index(1).CanSet() // true -- and settable
typ := reflect.SliceOf(reflect.TypeOf("example"))
newS := reflect.MakeSlice(typ, 0, 10) // an empty []string{} with capacity 10
import "reflect"
// this is effectively a pointer dereference
x := 5
ptr := reflect.ValueOf(&x)
ptr.Type().Name() // *int
ptr.Type().Kind() // reflect.Ptr
ptr.Interface() // [pointer to x]
ptr.Set(4) // panic
value := ptr.Elem() // this is a deref
value.Type().Name() // int
value.Type().Kind() // reflect.Int
value.Set(4) // this works
value.Interface() // 4
Type of value - package “reflect”
reflect.TypeOf can be used to check the type of variables when comparing
package main
import (
type Data struct {
a int
func main() {
s:="hey dude"
D := Data{a:5}
Output :