
OS Signals


  • func Notify(c chan<- os.Signal, sig …os.Signal)


Parameter Details
c chan<- os.Signal Receiving channel specifically of type os.Signal; easily created with sigChan := make(chan os.Signal)
sig …os.Signal List of os.Signal types to catch and send down this channel. See https://golang.org/pkg/syscall/#pkg-constants for more options.
## Assigning signals to a channel
Often times you will have reason to catch when your program is being told to stop by the OS and take some actions to preserve the state, or clean up your application. To accomplish this you can use the os/signal package from the standard library. Below is a simple example of assigning all signals from the system to a channel, and then how to react to those signals.
package main

import (

func main() {
    // create a channel for os.Signal
    sigChan := make(chan os.Signal)

    // assign all signal notifications to the channel 

    // blocks until you get a signal from the OS
    select {
    // when a signal is received
    case sig := <-sigChan:
        // print this line telling us which signal was seen
        fmt.Println("Received signal from OS:", sig)

When you run the above script it will create a channel, and then block until that channel receives a signal.

$ go run signals.go 
^CReceived signal from OS: interrupt

The ^C above is the keyboard command CTRL+C which sends the SIGINT signal.

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