Memory pooling
sync.Pool stores a cache of allocated but unused items for future use, avoiding memory churn for frequently changed collections, and allowing efficient, thread-safe re-use of memory. It is useful to manage a group of temporary items shared between concurrent clients of a package, for example a list of database connections or a list of output buffers.
Using sync.Pool
structure we can pool objects and reuse them.
package main
import (
var pool = sync.Pool{
// New creates an object when the pool has nothing available to return.
// New must return an interface{} to make it flexible. You have to cast
// your type after getting it.
New: func() interface{} {
// Pools often contain things like *bytes.Buffer, which are
// temporary and re-usable.
return &bytes.Buffer{}
func main() {
// When getting from a Pool, you need to cast
s := pool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer)
// We write to the object
// Then put it back
// Pools can return dirty results
// Get 'another' buffer
s = pool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer)
// Write to it
// At this point, if GC ran, this buffer *might* exist already, in
// which case it will contain the bytes of the string "dirtyappend"
// So use pools wisely, and clean up after yourself
// When you clean up, your buffer should be empty
s = pool.Get().(*bytes.Buffer)
// Defer your Puts to make sure you don't leak!
defer pool.Put(s)
// This prints "reset!", and not "dirtyappendreset!"