C# Language

Overload Resolution


The process of overload resolution is described in the C# specification, section 7.5.3. Also relevant are the sections 7.5.2 (type inference) and 7.6.5 (invocation expressions).

How overload resolution works will probably be changed in C# 7. The design notes indicate that Microsoft will roll out a new system for determining which method is better (in complicated scenarios).

Basic Overloading Example

This code contains an overloaded method named Hello:

class Example
    public static void Hello(int arg)
    public static void Hello(double arg)
    public static void Main(string[] args) 

When the Main method is called, it will print


At compile-time, when the compiler finds the method call Hello(0), it finds all methods with the name Hello. In this case, it finds two of them. It then tries to determine which of the methods is better. The algorithm for determining which method is better is complex, but it usually boils down to “make as few implicit conversions as possible”.

Thus, in the case of Hello(0), no conversion is needed for the method Hello(int) but an implicit numeric conversion is needed for the method Hello(double). Thus, the first method is chosen by the compiler.

In the case of Hello(0.0), there is no way to convert 0.0 to an int implicitly, so the method Hello(int) is not even considered for overload resolution. Only method remains and so it is chosen by the compiler.

“params” is not expanded, unless necessary.

The following program:

class Program
    static void Method(params Object[] objects)
    static void Method(Object a, Object b)
    static void Main(string[] args)
        object[] objectArray = new object[5];

        Method(objectArray, objectArray);
        Method(objectArray, objectArray, objectArray);

will print:


The call expression Method(objectArray) could be interpreted in two ways: a single Object argument that happens to be an array (so the program would output 1 because that would be the number of arguments, or as an array of arguments, given in the normal form, as though the method Method did not have the keyword params. In these situations, the normal, non-expanded form always takes precedence. So, the program outputs 5.

In the second expression, Method(objectArray, objectArray), both the expanded form of the first method and the traditional second method are applicable. In this case also, non-expanded forms take precedence, so the program prints two.

In the third expression, Method(objectArray, objectArray, objectArray), the only option is to use the expanded form of the first method, and so the program prints 3.

Passing null as one of the arguments

If you have

void F1(MyType1 x) {
    // do something

void F1(MyType2 x) {
    // do something else

and for some reason you need to call the first overload of F1 but with x = null, then doing simply


will not compile as the call is ambiguous. To counter this you can do

F1(null as MyType1);

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