C# Language

Access Modifiers


If the access modifier is omitted,

  • classes are by default internal
  • methods are by deault private
  • getters and setters inherit the modifier of the property, by default this is private

Access modifiers on setters or getters of properties can only restrict access, not widen it: public string someProperty {get; private set;}


The public keyword makes a class (including nested classes), property, method or field available to every consumer:

public class Foo()
    public string SomeProperty { get; set; }

    public class Baz
        public int Value { get; set; }

public class Bar()
    public Bar()
        var myInstance = new Foo();
        var someValue = foo.SomeProperty;
        var myNestedInstance = new Foo.Baz();
        var otherValue = myNestedInstance.Value;


The private keyword marks properties, methods, fields and nested classes for use inside the class only:

public class Foo()
    private string someProperty { get; set; }

    private class Baz
        public string Value { get; set; }

    public void Do()
        var baz = new Baz { Value = 42 };

public class Bar()
    public Bar()
        var myInstance = new Foo();

        // Compile Error - not accessible due to private modifier
        var someValue = foo.someProperty;
        // Compile Error - not accessible due to private modifier
        var baz = new Foo.Baz();


The internal keyword makes a class (including nested classes), property, method or field available to every consumer in the same assembly:

internal class Foo
    internal string SomeProperty {get; set;}

internal class Bar
    var myInstance = new Foo();
    internal string SomeField = foo.SomeProperty;

    internal class Baz
        private string blah;
        public int N { get; set; }

This can be broken to allow a testing assembly to access the code via adding code to AssemblyInfo.cs file:

using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;



The protected keyword marks field, methods properties and nested classes for use inside the same class and derived classes only:

public class Foo()
    protected void SomeFooMethod()
        //do something

    protected class Thing
        private string blah;
        public int N { get; set; }

public class Bar() : Foo
    private void someBarMethod()
        SomeFooMethod(); // inside derived class
        var thing = new Thing(); // can use nested class

public class Baz()
    private void someBazMethod()
        var foo = new Foo();
        foo.SomeFooMethod(); //not accessible due to protected modifier

protected internal

The protected internal keyword marks field, methods, properties and nested classes for use inside the same assembly or derived classes in another assembly:

Assembly 1

public class Foo
    public string MyPublicProperty { get; set; }
    protected internal string MyProtectedInternalProperty  { get; set; }

    protected internal class MyProtectedInternalNestedClass
        private string blah;
        public int N { get; set; }

public class Bar
    void MyMethod1()
        Foo foo = new Foo();
        var myPublicProperty = foo.MyPublicProperty;
        var myProtectedInternalProperty = foo.MyProtectedInternalProperty;
        var myProtectedInternalNestedInstance =
            new Foo.MyProtectedInternalNestedClass();

Assembly 2

public class Baz : Foo
    void MyMethod1()
        var myPublicProperty = MyPublicProperty;
        var myProtectedInternalProperty = MyProtectedInternalProperty;
        var thing = new MyProtectedInternalNestedClass();

    void MyMethod2()
        Foo foo = new Foo();
        var myPublicProperty = foo.MyPublicProperty;

        // Compile Error
        var myProtectedInternalProperty = foo.MyProtectedInternalProperty;
        // Compile Error
        var myProtectedInternalNestedInstance =
            new Foo.MyProtectedInternalNestedClass();


public class Qux
    void MyMethod1()
        Baz baz = new Baz();
        var myPublicProperty = baz.MyPublicProperty;

        // Compile Error
        var myProtectedInternalProperty = baz.MyProtectedInternalProperty;
        // Compile Error
        var myProtectedInternalNestedInstance =
            new Baz.MyProtectedInternalNestedClass();

    void MyMethod2()
        Foo foo = new Foo();
        var myPublicProperty = foo.MyPublicProperty;

        //Compile Error
        var myProtectedInternalProperty = foo.MyProtectedInternalProperty;
        // Compile Error
        var myProtectedInternalNestedInstance =
            new Foo.MyProtectedInternalNestedClass();

Access Modifiers Diagrams

Here are all access modifiers in venn diagrams, from more limiting to more accessible:

Access Modifier Diagram
private private
internal internal
protected protected
protected internal protected internal
public public

Below you could find more information.

This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow